Sunday, 9 September 2012

Thing 17

Spiralling stained glass image
Recursive Stained Glass by gadl on Flickr
(available for use under the Creative
Commons Licence)
 Like most people who work as part of a team I am happy to share resources but I have to confess that the overuse of Powerpoint presentations within the FE college where I work drives me crazy! 

Therefore being a bit short of time this week (the start of the new academic year is always stressful) I decided to concentrate on Prezi as I am already familiar with Slideshare.

When one of my ex-colleagues (Bound to unravel) decided to use Prezi last year in order to create a new presentation for our library induction I was really impressed and wanted to learn more. But as it always the case working in libraries there was never enough time to explore Prezi properly.

 Undertaking this CPD23 course has finally given me the opportunity to learn more about Prezi and its varied uses. In particular I found the tips and examples in Ned Potter’s “The ultimate guide to Prezi“ really useful.

As a result when it came to organising this year’s induction I have found that doing this “Thing” has enabled me to update the original presentations with confidence, even so far as to try out a few ideas of my own!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Thing 16

I’ve been thinking long and hard about advocacy and speaking up for the library and information services profession  for this “Thing” which is why it has taken me so long to post something!

Librarian by Day By MrSchuReads
on Flickr (available for use under
 the Creative Commons Licence).
I just want to say that I am really passionate about being a librarian (since it has taken long enough for me to get to become one). Yet despite not being an activist (or a superhero for that matter) I sincerely hope that through my daily interactions with FE students and staff I am seen by them as a good advocate for the service in which I work as well as for libraries in general.

I strongly believe that through my actions I demonstrate the value and effectiveness of libraries and the services they provide in order to meet the ever-vhanging needs of my organisation and its various stakeholders. 

However, despite the fact that I can appreciate for many people it is all about the high-profile protests I feel that when considering the role of advocacy within the library and information services profession surely it is just as important to consider the little things that we do to advocate our services as much as the grand gestures!